24.11.2024, воскресенье |
Вакансия № 964 Вакансия: Program director Компания: Radio Record Город: Санкт-Петербург Возраст: 23-40 Пол: муж Образование: высшее Опыт: от 3 лет З/плата: от 30000 Контакт: Степанов Александр Телефон: Email: progdir@radiorecord.ru Дополнительно: Responsibilities: Hold weekly programming meetings, provide air talent with liners and other promotional material, determine new music ads and adjustments on weekly rotations of current music, develop concepts and format for all special feature programming, meet weekly with General Producer to plan promotions, ads etc. for the station. Requirements: Age 23 - 40, Degree in Journalism / Radio / Television / Film or related studies, 3 years experience as Program Director, excellent English language skills, great leadership skills, dance market knowledge, high level of creative talent to work at the most popular dance radiostation in Russia, sound software knowledge (Sound Forge, Vegas etc.), knowledge of on-air software (Powergold, Djin etc.), forward thinking. Salary: from 30000 rub. Опубликовано: 13.07.2007 17:27 К списку актуальных вакансий! На главную! |